News from the Language Service

Imatge bones vacances

The Language Service is continuing to deliver its courses online, as instructed by the UAB. We will be closed for the Easter holidays from 6 to 13 April. 


After Easter, and as instructed by the UAB’s governing body, the Language Service will continue to deliver its courses online and attend to its users by email. 

Accordingly, we have set up the following online channels and services.
E-Administration: if you need to contact our offices to ask for information or make an enrolment, please write to
To ask for a certificate, click on this link and we will get back to you to tell you how to proceed.

In the case of translations, any translations that need a Language Service stamp will be given a digital signature. For any queries about this service, write to

If you need to take a level test for one of our courses, write to

We will be closed for the Easter holidays from 6 to 13 April. During this period, you can keep in touch with us on our social media channels (InstagramTwitter and Facebook).