Languages: Added Value for Your Teaching

Imatge Ajuts lingüístics 2018
The UAB has published a call for applications for language grants for academic staff: call for applications for the correction of teaching materials in English and Catalan. Applications can now be made throughout the whole of 2018.


The aim is to facilitate access to the correction of materials prepared by academic staff who teach their subjects in English and Catalan on bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees. This call for applications is a UAB Plan for Languages action.
The period for applications is now open and will close on 30 November 2018. Resolution of applications is formalised on a monthly basis, with the purpose of better facilitating grant management by the applicant teacher. All necessary documentation, duly completed, should be submitted to the UAB General Register.
Additionally, the call for grants for organising conferences and seminars on the management of multilingualism in university teaching is open until 20 September 2018.

Please contact the Language Service with any questions you might have regarding these grant applications.
Call for grant applications for the correction of teaching materials in English and Catalan