Bring on 2024!

Imatge Notícia benvingut 2024

Here at the Language Service UAB Idiomes Campus we have kicked off the new year with a series of new courses, exam sessions and grant opportunities. 


Our doors are open again with a range of activities and services to help you improve your languages and achieve your goals: 

Language study grants during the second semester:

Application process open to Bachelor’s degree, Master’s and PhD students of the UAB. Application period is from 9 to 16 January 2024.

Important! During this period we are also accepting applications for students who were not registered in the 2022-2023 academic year.

Language level certificates:

Bookings for English, French or Italian language level examination sessions. The exams will take place from 26 January to 7 February 2024, depending on the language.

Booking period is from 9 to 17 January 2024. Place are limited!

English for academic staff

Specialised, free courses for academic staff of the UAB who want to improve their English. Courses start in February. Remember that you can take a free level test  if you need to.

And in February we are also offering new courses and free workshops for which you can get academic credit. Enrol now!