• UABDivulga

Access to university through unusual pathways: difficulties and facilitators

Accés a la universitat

An investigation analyses the factors that influence the decision-making of students who access the university through unusual routes, thus different from the baccalaureate and the university’s entry exams (PAU). It aims at identifying the reasons that lead university students to select these entries and to find difficulties and facilitators that they might have found from compulsory secondary education. The results highlight the need for actions in order  to achieve an increasingly equitable and inclusive university.

The expansion of higher education in recent decades has allowed greater democratization in participation in the university. However, there is still a low representation of students from different backgrounds and from a less privileged social classes. In this sense, several studies point out that the unusual access pathways act as a source of social by collecting the highest percentage of students of low socioeconomic origin.

This study, developed within the framework of the Centre of Research and Studies for the Organizational Development (CRiEDO) of the UAB, focuses on the access through the over 25-year-old test and entry by a vocational training course (CFGS). To carry out the field work, 21 interviews and 369 questionnaires were carried out with new university students who have accessed through one of these routes in public universities in the Barcelona region.

The M25 entrance test allows entry to older students without the need to prove higher studies. It should be noted that less than half of those registered end up passing the test and the total number of registered hardly exceeds 1%. The results identify participants with very heterogeneous profiles and educational trajectories, as well as students of humble social origin. Many express that this route represents a great opportunity for access, even though family and professional responsibilities make it difficult for them to continue in university.

Access through a CFGS allows entry accrediting the title of superior technician without the need to take the PAU. In this case, the profiles are more homogeneous than those of the previous route with completed or begun baccalaureate, since most of them tried to access through the usual pathway. The lack of motivation for the baccalaureate and the lack of confidence to pass the PAU is the main reason for abandoning the academic itinerary and to opt for studying a CFGS as a bridge to access the university.

In relation to the educational trajectory, there are multiple factors that influence the decision-making process regarding students’ academic and professional future. The study analyzes conditioners at different levels identified during their compulsory secondary education and pre-university studies.

At a family level, results show that educational and socioeconomic origin play a very important role in decision-making. For example, parents with a low educational level of tend to have poor knowledge of the education system and, therefore, offer insufficient educational guidance. However, in some cases, these same parents express higher academic expectations to favor social mobility.

At an educational institution level, many participants report having received low-quality academic and career guidance. In addition, an association is observed between the students who were part of the low-level classroom when grouping by performance and the sense of low perception of academic capability.

At an individual level, and in line with the previous idea, the perception of one's capability is identified as a relevant factor in the creation of educational aspirations and expectations.

In conclusion, it is considered that the challenge for universities lies in redefining their role from an equitable perspective in the face of an increasingly heterogeneous and complex society. One of the research proposals is the promotion of inclusive policies with the support of strategies, diagnostic tools and specific intervention plans and actions. However, it is also necessary to guarantee permanence by detecting needs and providing sufficient financial aid, psycho-pedagogical support, mentoring programs, etc.

Cristina Pérez-Maldonado

Research Group Organizational Development Team
Department of Applied Pedagogy
niversitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Pérez-Maldonado, C. y Gairín, J. (2020). Barreras y facilitadores de acceso a la universidad percibidos por estudiantes que ingresan mediante vías no tradicionales. Revista Espacios, 41 (26), 132-146.m. https://www.revistaespacios.com/a20v41n26/a20v41n26p12.pdf


Pérez-Maldonado, C. (2020). Barreras y facilitadores percibidos por estudiantes que acceden a la universidad mediante vías no habituales. (Tesis Doctoral). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Cerdanyola del Vallès.  https://www.tdx.cat/bitstream/handle/10803/671723/cpm1de1.pdf;jsessionid=6A4AA1F5735C9FD09DFE3B08FBC75640?sequence=1

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