University Master's Degree in Territorial Studies and Planning

If you think that the design of cities conditions daily life, mobility, gentrification or tourism, this is your master's degree, taught by one of the best Geography departments in the state.

Teaching staff Official Master's Degree in Territorial Studies and Planning

Course coordinator

Eduard Ariza Solé

List of teachers

Teacher Area Category Research
Avellaneda Garcia, Pau Geografia Humana Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral Research
Blanco Romero, Maria Asuncion Anàlisi Geogràfica Regional Prof Titulars d'Universitat Research
Buhigas San Jose, Maria Geografia Humana Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral Research
Canoves Valiente, Gemma Anàlisi Geogràfica Regional Catedratic/a d'Universitat Research
Cebollada Frontera, Angel Geografia Humana Prof Titulars d'Universitat Research
Donat Muñoz, Carles Geografia Humana Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral Research
Dot Jutgla, Esteve Geografia Humana Professor/a Associat/da Lab. Indefinit/da Research
Llurdes Coit, Joan Carles Geografia Humana Prof Titulars d'Universitat Research
Lopez Gay, Antonio Geografia Humana Agregat/ada Contractat/ada Doctor/a Research
Marquet Sardà, Oriol Geografia Humana Investigadors/es Programa Ramón Y Cajal Research
Muñoz Ramirez, Francisco Manuel Geografia Humana Prof Titulars d'Universitat Research
Nadal Tersa, Jordi Geografia Física Prof Titulars d'Universitat Research
Nel·lo Colom, Oriol Geografia Humana Prof Titulars d'Universitat Research
Padro Garcia, Joan Cristian Geografia Humana Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral Research
Pallares Barbera, Montserrat Geografia Humana Catedratic/a d'Universitat Research
Recaño Valverde, Joaquin Geografia Humana Prof Titulars d'Universitat Research
Solana Solana, Antonio Miguel Geografia Humana Prof Titulars d'Universitat Research
Tulla Pujol, Antoni Francisco Geografia Humana Professor/a Honorari/a Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Valdivia Gutierrez, Blanca Sociologia Investigador/a Progr. Juan de la Cierva Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Nel·lo Deakin, Samuel Sense Informar en Origen Investigador/a Programa Margarita Salas Research

Teaching staff

This master's degree is taught by an excellent group of lecturers, experts in  geography, demography, economics, sociology and other related sciences, and it provides an ideal mix of academic, research and professional training. A good example of the research carried out by the Geography Department and the CED is the journal Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica (DAG), a  national benchmark in Spain and one of the top indexed journals. Over twenty lecturers are involved in the master's programme, including: Oriol Nel•lo, Anna Cabré, Antoni Tulla, Francesc Muñoz, Carme Miralles, Andreu Domingo, Daniel Devolder, Joaquín Recaño, Montserrat Solsona, Albert Esteve, Juan A. Módenes i Amand Blanes, among others. There are also regular contributions, in certain modules, from visiting lecturers.