General information
UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes
Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!
You can also send the form on this page to request personalized attention.
- UAB University Master's Degree
- Credits: 60 ECTS
Beginning of the pre-enrolment period 01/02/2022
See the calendar - Pre-registration period: Closed
- Places: 30 places (15 semi-presential modality and 15 on-line modality)
Price: €27,67 per credit (EU citizens and non-EU holding an EU residence permit). 2022/23 Academic year.
€75 per credit (non-EU citizens who do not hold an EU residence permit). 2022/23 Academic year.
- Language: Spanish (50%), Catalan (30%) and English (20%).
- Mode: Online and a combination of classroom-based and distance learning
Teaching centre:
School of Engineering
Sabadell Campus
C/ dels Emprius 2
08202, Sabadell (Barcelona)
This master's degree is no longer valid.
Career options
Career options stretch across the six main blocks that the sector can be divided into:
- Airports: Executive office; Strategic Planning and Quality Control; Airport Services; Finance and Administration Human Resources and Business
- Airline Companies: Executive office, Presidency and Protocol; Strategic Planning and Alliances; Rationalisation of Investments and Costs, Financial Control and Administration; Human Resources; Production Management; Business and Passenger Service.
- Air Navigation: Executive office; Planning, Financial Control and Management; Organisation and Human Resources.
- Auxiliary Services: General Services and Handling; Maintenance; Simulation; General and sports aviation.
- Consultancy: Aeronautical Sector; Human Resources; Economics and Finance.
- Aircraft Building: Management; Strategic Planning and Sales.