Content Official Master's Degree in Aeronautical Management

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Study guides

Master description

The Master's degree in Aeronautical Management, of 60 ECTS, distributed over 2 semesters that cover 30 ECTS each, has a structure of 8 compulsory modules of 6 ECTS, and one module of 12 ECTS corresponding to the master's dissertation.

Teaching timetable

The master's degree covers two semesters. The teaching period is from October to January (first semester) and from February to May (second semester). The months of June and July are devoted to finishing the master's thesis.
The timetable is designed to allow students to study and work at the same time. Classes take place:

  • Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
  • Saturday mornings, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. (after Christmas)

Study plan structure

Type Credits
Compulsory 48
Master's dissertation 12


Module title Credits Type
The Air Transport System 6 COMPULSORY
Airport Management 6 COMPULSORY
Airline Management 6 COMPULSORY
Project Management and Innovation 6 COMPULSORY
Management of Airport Resources 6 COMPULSORY
Lean Management and Aeronautical Maintenance 6 COMPULSORY
Legislation and Management of People in the Aeronautical Sector 6 COMPULSORY
Decision-making in Logistics 6 COMPULSORY
Master's dissertation 12 COMPULSORY