Content Official Master's Degree in Transfusion Medicine and Advanced Cell Therapies

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Ideal student profile

The master's degree is addressed to those interested in acquiring or expanding their knowledge of transfusion medicine and advanced therapies. Graduates in medicine, pharmacy, biomedical and biological sciences or equivalent areas will be admitted to the programme.

You must have a Level B2 in English.

If you choose to enroll in the master's degree in Spanish you must be aware that some of the lectures are offered in English. Therefore, you must certify having a Level C1 in Spanish and Level B1 in English.

It is recommended that you have working capacities, motivation and interest in innovation in this area.

Basic skills

  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  • Solve problems in new or little-known situations within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study
  • Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialist and non-specialist audiences

Specific skills

  • Select, attend to and ensure the loyalty of long-term donors.
  • Design secure strategies in the donation process in accordance with European regulation.
  • Identify and analyse quality indicators in the distinct methodologies for producing blood components.
  • Securely select blood components for transfusion, giving special attention to the management of possible adverse reactions.
  • Describe the processes of selecting units of blood and blood components compatible with each clinical situation.
  • Define laboratory strategies for the diagnosis of haemolytic disease, immune and haematologic cytopenias, and other immune-(adverse) effects of the transfusion.
  • Apply the biological principles of cell therapies to the treatment of local and systemic pathological processes.
  • Demonstrate a global vision of the management of blood and tissue banks and other cell-therapy organisations.

Cross-curricular skills

  • Work in multidisciplinary teams.
  • Design and develop research using appropriate methodologies.