University Master's Degree in Telecommunication Engineering

Professional Master in the field of engineering

Admission Official Master's Degree in Telecommunication Engineering

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

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Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.

Admission requirements

Access to this Master's Degree in Telecommunication Engineering shall be administered under the conditions laid out in Ministerial Order CIN/355/2009:
  • Access to the master's degree that allows entry into the profession of Telecommunication Engineer shall be granted to those who have previously acquired the skills stipulated in section 3 of the Ministerial Order that establishes the requisites for verifying official university qualifications that allow entry into the profession of Technical Telecommunication Engineer and the training required by section 5 of the Ministerial Order.
  • Furthermore, access to the master's degree shall be granted when the candidate's bachelor's degree includes the basic training module and the common branch module, even if a complete block of the specific technology module is not covered, and when 48 credits of those offered in all blocks of this module of a degree that qualifies the holder as a Technical Telecommunication Engineer, in accordance with the aforementioned Ministerial Order.
  • Access to this master's degree is also open to those in possession of any bachelor's degree in engineering, though in this case bridging courses may have to be taken previously.
  • Another requisite is to provide documentary proof of having a sufficient level of English. This is level B1, according to the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Modern Languages

Selection criteria

Should the number of applicants be higher than that of places on offer, these will be allocated according to the following criteria:

  • Academic transcript (80%).
  • Level B2 or above in English (20%). Students with no language certificate will be assessed through an interview, in person or by telephone.

Complementary training

Direct access to the master's in Telecommunication Engineering (without bridging courses) will be open to students with the following qualifications:
  • Bachelor's degrees that allow entry into the profession of Technical Telecommunication Engineer, under Ministerial Order CIN/352/2009.
  • Another bachelor's degree that includes the basic training module and the common branch module, even if a complete block of the specific technology module is not covered and if 48 credits of those offered in all blocks of the aforementioned module of a degree, allows entry into the profession of Technical Telecommunication Engineer, under Ministerial Order CIN/352/2009
  • Telecommunication Engineering
  • Technical Telecommunication Engineer, specialising in Sound and Image, Telematics, Telecommunication Systems and Electronic Systems.