Teaching staff Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy

Coordinator and coordination team

Coordinadora de titulació Cristina Cervantes Estrada 93 581 46 49 Cristina.Cervantes@uab.cat
Coordinadora 1er curs Sandra Torrell Vallespin 93 489 40 96 Sandra.Torrell@uab.cat
Coordinadora 2on curs Ana Victoria Lobato Bonilla 93 428 56 21 AnaVictoria.lobato@uab.cat
Coordinador 3er curs Jordi Cuartero Archs 93 428 56 21 JCuartero@santpau.cat


Teaching staff

Teacher Area Category Research
Claro Izaguirre, Enrique Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Gil Giro, Carles Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Lope Piedrafita, Silvia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Lopez Blanco, Jose Manuel Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Lopez Martin, Mario Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Marin Garcia, Maria Isabel Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Peralvarez Marin, Alejandro Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Yuste Mateos, Victor Jose Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Almolda Ardid, Beatriz Cell Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Francisco Pascual, Jaume Physiology Research
Garcia Alias, Guillermo Physiology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Garcia Garcia, Joana Physiology Research
Gella Concustell, Alejandro Cell Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Hernandez Martin, Joaquim Physiology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Herrando Grabulosa, Mireia Physiology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Lago Perez, Natalia Physiology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Moral Cabrera, Raquel Physiology Tenured university lecturers Research
Oliver Bonet, Maria Cell Biology Acting associate lecturer Research
Ribas Maynou, Jordi Cell Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Roig Soriano, Joan Cell Biology Research
Sanchez Tillo, Ester Cell Biology Research
Udina Bonet, Esther Physiology University professor/full professor Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Aguirre Polo, Ramon Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Aldeguer Espinilla, Ana Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Almazan Casamayor, Sandra Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Alonso Gonzalez, Carmela Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Alonso Marsol, Sandra Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Arauz De Robles Aldehuela, Natalia Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Badenas Fernandez, Eduard Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Ballesteros Reviriego, Gonzalo Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Bello Rodríguez, Irene Medicine Clinical adjunt lecturer (Clinical analyses)
Bosch De Basea Gomez, Anna Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Cabello Coscarón, Daniel Medicine Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Calle Del Campo, Yolanda Medicine Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Casimiro Moran, Jose Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Castellano Madrid, Yolanda Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy
Castillo Sanchez, Immaculada Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Coll Cuevas, Marta Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Coll Molinos, Maria Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Coll Del Cura, Eduard Physiotherapy Research
Corominas Macias, Hector Medicine Medical adjunt lecturer Research
Cuartero Archs, Jordi Physiotherapy non-government-contracted adjunct lecturer Research
Cucalón Tobalina, Cristina Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Diaz Perez, Carolina Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Diez Tendero, Iñaki Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Farré Simó, Carla Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Fernandez Pinar, Virginia Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Fernandez Prados, Claudia Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Fernandez Gañan, Vanessa Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Ferre Aniorte, Alfred Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Fores i Zayas, Laia Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy
Francia Santamaria, Esther Medicine Medical adjunt lecturer Research
Francisco , Carina Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Garcia Fernandez, Maria del Carmen Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Garcia Torrico, Antonio Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Gomez Garrido, Alba Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Grau Pellicer, Montserrat Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Guimet Villalba, Raul Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy
Herrera Llamas, Miriam Physiotherapy Research
Horta Barba, Andrea Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy) Research
Jiménez Marchal, Javier Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Kulisevsky Bojarski, Jaime Medicine University professor/full professor contract Research
Lema Chacón, Carolina Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Llarch Alfonso, Núria Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Lobato Bonilla, Ana Victoria Physiotherapy Research
Lopez Lebrato, Silvia Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Lopez Perez, Carlos Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Magallares Lopez, Berta Paula Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Mangas Hernández, Ana Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Martin Marquez, Pilar Medicine Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Martinez Picas, Oriol Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Mascaro Lamarca, Jordi Medicine Medical adjunt lecturer Research
Mateo Lozano, Sandra Physiotherapy non-government-contracted adjunct lecturer Research
Mayer Frutos, Ana Isabel Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Medina Casanovas, Josep Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Meinhardt Teixidor, Alejandra Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Monne Cuevas, Pol Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy
Montiel Morillo, Elena Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Moreno Fortes, Nicolas Physiotherapy Research
Moreno Gallo, Yolanda Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Moya Alvarado, Patricia Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Muñoz Carvajal, Maria Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Noguera Corroto, Biel Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Oliete Candela, Fermin Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Oller Domingo, Raquel Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Ortega Payero, José Luís Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Padros i Valls, Josep Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Pedrosa Hernández, Irene Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Pérez Pérez, Jesús Medicine Clinical adjunt lecturer (Neurology)
Perez-Portabella Cuso, Pere Medicine Research
Pico Benet, Anna Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Planas Pascual, Bernat Physiotherapy non-government-contracted adjunct lecturer Research
Querol Gutierrez, Luis Antonio Medicine Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy) Research
Ramirez Mirabal, Eliot Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Rivera Rubio, Cristina Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Rubio Galan, Ramon Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy
Ruiz Arevalo, Ines Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Sala Carbonell, Alexandre Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Sanchez Mato, Maria del Carmen Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Sanchez Raya, Judith Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Santa Maria van Oudheusden, Denys Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Santacreu Santacreu, Eva Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Sebastian Romagosa, Marc Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Spiliopoulou , Stefania Thomais Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Sureda Sabate, Sergi Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Tarín Minguella, Mireia Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Torello Vilar, Manuel Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Toro Eguaras, Maria Aranzazu Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Torras Perarnau, Jordi Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Torrell Vallespin, Sandra Physiotherapy Research
Torrents Alba, Gemma Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Torres Bonafonte, Olga Herminia Medicine Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Turmo Tristan, Xavier Physiotherapy Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Veneros Gallart, Marc Physiotherapy Adjunct lecturer in Physiotherapy Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Calafat Pla, Joan Feliu Human Anatomy and Embriology Research
Calvet Soler, Claudia Human Anatomy and Embriology Predoctoral trainee researcher Research
Fabregas Batlle, Pere Jordi Human Anatomy and Embriology non-government-contracted adjunct lecturer Research
Gascon Bayarri, Jordi Human Anatomy and Embriology Research
Manich Raventos, Gemma Human Anatomy and Embriology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Martinez Herrada Fernandez, Silvia Inmaculada Human Anatomy and Embriology Research
Medina Hayas, Manuel Human Anatomy and Embriology Research
Pampalona Sala, Judit Human Anatomy and Embriology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Cabrera Jaime, Sandra Nursing Research
Feijoo Cid, Maria Nursing Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Fernández Cano, María Isabel Nursing Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Ribas Mercau, Diego Ignacio Nursing Research
Ribera Barberan, Lídia Nursing
Teacher Area Category Research
Caltabiano , Gianluigi Preventive Medicine and Public Health Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Perales Galan, Iria Preventive Medicine and Public Health Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Amaro Hosey, Kristopher Carlos Pharmacology Medical adjunt lecturer Research
Antonijoan Arbos, Rosa Maria Pharmacology Tenured university lecturers Research
Delgado Espinoza, Claudia Erika Pharmacology Medical adjunt lecturer Research
Molina Perello, Pol Pharmacology Clinical adjunt lecturer (Physiotherapy)
Teacher Area Category Research
Contreras Rodriguez, Oren Psychiatry Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Daigre Blanco, Constanza Denisse Psychiatry Research
Escorihuela Agullo, Rosa Maria Psychiatry University professor/full professor Research
Gimenez Llort, Lidia Psychiatry University professor/full professor contract Research
Ivanova Serokhvostova, Anastasiya Psychiatry Research
Maurel Ibañez, Sara Nieves Psychiatry Research
Molinuevo Alonso, Beatriz Psychiatry Tenured university lecturers Research
Oromendia Rodriguez, Pablo Psychiatry Research
Sorribes Puertas, Marta Psychiatry Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Trujillo Vazquez, Sònia Generic Code_No Affiliation UAB trainee-research staff Research