Women and rights seminars. Pending challenges

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Gaps persist, memory is selective, and women still lack the required visibility and equal treatment. It is necessary to reveal and look beneath the apparent egalitarian treatment in the existing normative malfunctions. At the Centre de Dones i Drets (Women and Rights Centre), researchers are attentive and read between the lines the reality of the treatment granted by the law. The subject of today’s Seminar is to make selective memory visible and to show some gaps in judicial system, penitentiary system, and tax treatment.



Date: 24th October 2023

Time: 12 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.

Place: Aula Magna, Faculty of Law


12h: Presentation. Dr. Miguel Ángel Sánchez Huete. Director of the Centre de Dones i Drets. Dr. Mª Carmen Navarro Villanueva. Secretary of the Faculty of Law


12.10h: Women in the politics of memory in the Spanish State.

Speaker: Dr. Elisabet Velo i Fabregat. Associate Professor, PhD in History of Law and Institutions


12.25h: Taxation of widow’s pension from a gender perspective.

Speaker: Dr. Zuley Fernández Caballero. Lecturer in Financial and Tax Law


12.40h: Women in the Spanish Judiciary.

Speaker: Dr. Consuelo Ruiz de la Fuente. Lecturer in Procedural Law


12.55h: The situation of women in prison. The voice of their experiences.

Speaker: Dr. Anna Melendez Peretó. Lecturer in Criminology


13.10h: Colloquium. Moderator: Dr. Miguel Ángel Sánchez Huete


13.25h: Presentation of the book. Perspectiva de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en la formación docente y la investigación universitaria (Perspective of the Objectives of Sustainable Development in teacher training and university research), coordinated by Dr. Zuley Fernández Caballero, and in which the Centre de Dones i Drets has collaborated.