"Com integrar els ODS en l'ensenyament i aprenentatge del Dret? Reflexions i propostes" Seminar


Seminar on the implementation of sustainability in teaching, organized by the Sustainability Working Group of the Faculty of Law.


The seminar will be held on February 23th at 12:00h in the Board Room of the Faculty of Law and will have the following structure:

12:00 Presentation by Nuria Reynal Querol, Vice-Dean of Sustainability.

12:10 Sebastián Preller Bórquez (Executive Director of Territorios Sustentables and academic Universidad Autónoma de Chile): Driving the SDGs through active classroom practice.

13:00 Miguel Ángel Sánchez Huete (Associate Professor of Financial and Tax Law, UAB): The SDGs in Financial and Tax Law Learning

13:15 Montserrat Solé Truyols (Lecturer in Labor and Social Security Law, UAB): The ODS in learning Labor and Social Security Law

13:30 Conclusion