All the news
Defensa de tesi de Laura Mentini
Performance-based accountability, educational innovation and teachers’ work: global and national perspectives on an intricate relationship
Doctoral thesis defense of Mayte Cantero Sánchez
De los márgenes al centro: La noción de interseccionalidad en el ámbito académico iberoamericano
Doctoral thesis defense of Angeline Alejandra Giusto
Cuidados, feminismos y violencias de género. Comprender los cuidados desde la práctica profesional en intervención psicosocial contra violencias de género en Catalunya
Doctoral thesis defense of Catalina Marcela Ramírez
Digitalización del emprendimiento femenino migrante en Chile
Doctoral thesis defense of Rosa M Coso
María Carmen García- Nieto: historiadora social, humanista i feminista
Doctoral thesis defense of Egdar Quilabert
The School Improvement Maze. A Multi-level Analysis of Educational Reform in Catalonia
Doctoral thesis defense of Janna Dallmann
Tacna’s Street Markets during COVID-19: “Routines of Justification” in Itinerant Trade Practices
Conference GEDIME i CER-M
The GEDIME and CER-M organize a conference "An approach to Western humanitarianism from the sponsorship of refugees", by la Dra.Ana Rovetta (CONICET, Argentina).
Moral debates, religion and political polarization
Moral Debates, Religion and Political Polarization: Tools for Understanding a Complex Present
Departmental seminar: International aid: services and news
Departmental seminar: International aid: services and news