Members INc-UAB
Find in this list the research staff associated to the INc-UAB. See in the About Us the support staff.
- Acharya , Neha This link opens a new window
- Aldavert Vera, Laura This link opens a new window
- Alzina Martinez, Sara This link opens a new window
- Andero Gali, Raul This link opens a new window
- Andreu Sanchez, Celia This link opens a new window
- Barcia Gonzalez, Carlos This link opens a new window
- Barnadas Rodriguez, Ramon This link opens a new window
- Bayascas Ramirez, Jose Ramon This link opens a new window
- Benseny Cases, Nuria This link opens a new window
- Blanco Ramos, Marcos This link opens a new window
- Bollmann , Yannick This link opens a new window
- Bonillo Martin, Albert This link opens a new window
- Bosch Merino, Maria Assumpcio This link opens a new window
- Carrasco Trancoso, Francisco Javier This link opens a new window
- Castellano Lopez, Bernardo This link opens a new window
- Castells Carles, Maria Gloria This link opens a new window
- Chanes Puiggros, Lorena This link opens a new window
- Chillón Rodriguez, Miguel This link opens a new window
- Cladera Cerda, Josep Bartomeu This link opens a new window
- Claro Izaguirre, Enrique This link opens a new window
- Cobo Gomez, Jesus Vicente This link opens a new window
- Coll Andreu, Margalida This link opens a new window
- Comella Carnice, Joan Xavier This link opens a new window
- Costa Miserachs, David This link opens a new window
- Cutando Ruiz, Laura This link opens a new window