The department

Welcome to the Department of Animal and Food Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, a team made up of 70 professors, researches and administratuon and service stff and more than 67 postgraduate students. Our departments aims and is committed to research and generate knowledge that allows us to provide an outstanding education for our students in the areas of Animal Science, Food Safety, and Food Technology. We try to contribute with this to solving problems of social and economic importance, such as the need to produce food in a sustainable, safe and responsible way.
If you are curious about our applied research or if you are a student with an interest in our degrees, masters or PhD programmes please let us know. Our graduates and postgraduates are developing their professional careers in different areas of the livestock and food industry, in official institutions or in differents universities and research centers.
About us
The Department of Animal and Food Science is one of three departments at the Veterinary Faculty of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona along with the Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery and the Department of Animal Health and Anatomy.
The origin of our Department goes back to the foundation of the Department of Animal Pathology and Production, which began its academic activity during the first year of the UAB Veterinary degree in 1982. In 2000, the first Department was divided into the current three.
Since then, the Department of Animal and Food Science has been offering teaching, research, and knowledge transfer in the areas of Animal Production, Nutrition and Bromatology, and Food Technology. Currently, the Department participates in the teaching of the two degrees of our Faculty: the degree in Veterinary Science and the degree in Food Science and Technology - the latter started in 1993-; and in the Official Master's Degree in Animal Product Quality since 2013.
Our vision:
To be recognized as an academic institution valued for its high level of education in Animal and Food Science. Our aim is to facilitate the training of professionals with a broad level of knowledge and understanding of the economic, environmental and social implications of the production, safety and quality of food and of the science necessary in the handling and feeding of our recreational animals and company Our Department aspires to become a leader in carrying out research projects in biological and technological sciences aimed at the production and processing of food, and the production and handling of animals in a socially responsible, sustainable and economic way, always considering their well-being.
Our mission:
To provide an exceptional level of training and research to promote safe and sustainable production of animal products, and to care for our farm and companion animals, without compromising the environment or the health and well-being of people and animals.
Our academic commitment is to educate and prepare students for fruitful and rewarding careers in the areas of animal production and food science and technology. We offer solid basic training, based on practical experiences in research and transfer, which facilitate contact with future challenges.
Our dedication aims to improve the quality of education through the continuous search for excellence and balance in our triple dedication: academics, research and transfer.
The Department of Animal and Food Science offers training to more than 900 students each year. The learning opportunities are part of the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate programs with the aim of training competent, independent and critical professionals who can work in multidisciplinary teams around the world.
Degree (Catalan / Spanish / English)
• B.S. Veterinary (300 ECTS)
• B. S. Food Science and Technology (240 ECTS)
Master's degree (Spanish / English)
• M. S. Quality of Food of Animal Origin
PhD programs
• PhD in Animal Production
• PhD in Food Science
Research within the Department of Animal and Food Sciences is carried out by 6 research groups:
Food Technology Unit. UAB-CIRTTA
Ruminant Research Group
Biotechnology Research Group for Livestock Species Production
Veterinary Molecular Genetic Improvement Group
Nutrition Management and Wellness Group
Agriculture, Livestock and Food Research Group in Globalization