Admission procedure for the PhD in Mathematics UAB (RD 99/2011)

The PhD programme in mathematics is adapted to RD 99/2011. To apply for admission it is essential to contact a researcher to be the supervisor of your thesis. See our lines of research and groups to decide who should supervise your work.

Lines of Research and Groups in Mathematics

RD 99/2011 also demands the figure of tutor. This is obligatory and may be the same person as the supervisor. The tutor must be a PhD and a lecturer on the PhD programme in mathematics.

Definition and functions of the thesis supervisor

Definition and functions of the thesis tutor

Once you have decided who will supervise your thesis you should send the following documentation to :

- PhD admission application form (which you can find at the bottom of this page)
- Academic records for master’s and bachelor’s degrees
- Bachelor’s and master’s degree certificates (if you do not yet have the certificate you must present proof that you have requested it)
- Photocopy of DNI/NIE or passport

The decision on admission to the PhD in Mathematics will be sent to the e-mail that you indicated on the application form. This decision is taken by the School for Doctoral Studies and the Third Cycle Committee of the department is responsible for requesting it on your behalf. This committee also decides whether or not you need to take any bridging courses.

For more information go to the Admission section of the School for Doctoral Studies website.


PhD Admission Application Form (word)
PhD Academic Scheme
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Theses in the network The PhD theses of the catalan universities



PhD in Mathematics
Departament de Matemàtiques
Edifici C Facultat de Ciències
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
TEL +34 93 581 11 37
FAX +34 93 581 27 90





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