At the time of registering for the first time for the PhD the supervisor or supervisors are identified. However, throughout the PhD there may be changes.

For a supervisor to enter or exit a thesis a request must be made to the Department of Mathematics using the form at the end of this page and signed in triplicate. This document must be signed by all parties - PhD candidate, tutors and all supervisors, whether they are joining or leaving the PhD.

On the other hand if supervisors from outside the UAB enter the PhD or who are not registered with Sigm@ they must fill in the Supervisor Information form. This is important for the supervisors to be able to access your academic record on Sigm@ to be able to validate information and propose activities, etc.
Application for change of thesis supervisor (word_catalan)
Supervisor Information Form (word_catalan)
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Theses in the network The PhD theses of the catalan universities



PhD in Mathematics
Departament de Matemàtiques
Edifici C Facultat de Ciències
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
TEL +34 93 581 11 37
FAX +34 93 581 27 90





2024 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona