Argo Programme

Argo is a programme created in 2003/04 as a way to ease students’ transition from secondary school to university. The programme takes its name from the legend of the Argonauts – or more specifically, the ship they used to sail to the ends of the earth.

Argo provides advice and support to students in secondary school or vocational degree programmes as they are about to enter university. It also offers refresher courses to lecturers and provides information on studies centres, projects and research at the UAB.

The Department mainly participates in two areas of this programme: research projects and work experience in companies.

Research projects

In Catalonia, students in the second year of the bachillerato are required to submit a research project that is worth 10% of their final mark. This project is designed to introduce students to research activities, to help them develop skills that will be useful as they continue their education, to teach them how to properly express themselves in written and verbal language, using appropriate vocabulary, and to prepare them for future studies.

The Department’s lecturers provide advice to students carrying out a research project on one of several proposed topics.

Work experience in companies (secondary-school work placement)

‘Work Placement’ is an optional subject in the bachillerato, regulated by Decree 182/2002 of 25 June (published in the official gazette DOGC no. 3674 of October 2002). Its purpose is to introduce students to the world of production, basically through contact with the labour market and the associated system of relationships between companies and employees. Students are encouraged to adapt to the rules and situations of the host company and to gain knowledge that will help them reach their academic and professional goals.

The Department participates by presenting examples of projects. This provides students with better guidance and helps them make better decisions about their academic and professional future.



Related links

Programa Argó

Prospective students Addressed to students of high school


UAB Divulga UAB Divulga. Science Journal


Videos from UAB Videos about Maths in the UAB



Department of Mathematics
Building C Science Faculty
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
TEL +34 93 581 13 04
FAX +34 93 581 27 90





2024 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona