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3Q: Lisa Randall

Professor of theoretical physics at Harvard University, Randall has linked her studies with philosophy, the humanities and music. The UAB awarded an honorary doctorate to Lisa Randall last march.She is also a well-known scientific disseminator, author of books like "Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding...

3Q Deborah Coen

Historian of Science and Medicina at Yale University, she has published three books, the latest one entitled Climate in Motion: Science, Empire, and the Problem of Scale (Chicago, 2018). Deborah Coen investigates the culture of science of the past and its connection with other intellectual and politica spheres, as well as...

3Q Caddy Adzuba

The lawyer and journalist Caddy Adzuba has stood out as an international speaker of the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), especially with regard to the situation of women, victims of gender violence related to DRC war. She is a founding member of the network "A loudspeaker for silence" and is...

3Q Juan Antonio Cordero

Juan Antonio Cordero holds a PhD in Telecomunications from the École Polytechnique (Paris) and a degree in Mathematics from the UPC (Barcelona). He was also a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Louvain anmd is currently professor at the École polytechnique de Palaiseau, Paris. His research...

3Q Carla Sharp

Dr Carla Sharp is Professor of Psychology at the University of Houston and conducts research into Borderline Personality Disorder in children and adolescents. She has conducted several pioneering studies in this field and has published over 200 publications in journals, articles and books. In 2016 she was the recipient of the...

3Q Robert Huber

Professor Robert Huber, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1988 and honorary doctor of the UAB, has made important contributions to further in the understanding of the structure and functioning of biological macromolecules. He offered the conference “The Century of Vision: Protein Structures for Drug Research” on 13...

3Q Henri Weber

Professor at the University of Paris VIII, he is one of the historic leaders of the events of May 1968. On 6 June, during the celebration of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities' 50th anniversary, Weber gave a conference entitled "Un demi siècle après, quel est le bilan de Mai 68?" ["Half a...

3Q Margarita Salas

Margarita Salas began a project at the CSIC Biological Research Centre on bacteriophages as a study model of molecular biology of morphogenesis, replication and transcription, after having worked in the United States with Severo Ochoa. She was awarded with an honorary doctorate by the UAB on april 2018.

3Q Lesley Bartlett

Lecturer in Educational Policy Studies in the School of Education at University of Wisconsin - Madison. Out-standing anthropologist scholar, her main areas of interest are literacy studies, migration and educator professional development. One of her more relevant and recent contributions are the formalization of...

NEO: Searching for a cure for Parkinson’s disease

Researchers from the Biotechnology and Biomedicine Institut (IBB) at UAB have discovered a new therapeutical aproximation to Parkinson’s disease, focused on the alpha-synuclein, a protein involved in this and other neurodegenerative disorders, which’s...