• UABDivulga

José Luis Negreira Verjillos carries out a deep and meticulous study of the history of Cerdanyola del Vallès between 1931 and 1976 in order to reconsider the political, social, economic and cultural events that occurred during that period. The author also revises some of the existing theories applied to Catalonia and Spain, from a...

Grup de republicans

A set of wooden carvings found inside the Mussol cave, in Ciutadella of Menorca, Spain, has enabled archaeologists to improve the knowledge on the mythology and rituals on the island during prehistoric periods. The most important findings were two small carvings that are the only ones with documented human characteristics in the archaeology of...

Talla de fusta trobada a la Cova des Mussol

Rome, Ist century B.C. The poet Horace, in his poems 2 from Book I and 15 from book IV, introduces allusions to gods important to Augustus family. The explanation Professor J.Gómez Pallarès offers about this presence takes in account unusual information: Horace's work can also be read as a virtual walk along the temples where the...

Horaci: de poesia lírica a guia

The first chroniclers who came to America described the highly civilized and urbanized societies. In the course of time these facts were distorted and the western world was acquiring a different vision from reality. Why?. In his doctoral dissertation Isabel Bargalló Sánchez digs this alteration up and answers to this one and...

Expedició per l'Amèrica del Sud del segle XVI. Guia per al viatge: Les cròniques d'Índies