Apply for admission to the programme

The admission process serves to ensure that all students meet the programme's requirements and thus guarantee an optimal work environment during the course. To apply for admission, you must follow apply.

Location for the Application

Secretaria Escola Universitària d'Infermeria de l'HSCSP

Access requirements

- Degree in Nursing (official/recognised)
- Holders of Nursing Diplomas who wish to develop their professional activity as nurses within the ambit of intensive care.
- Holders of Nursing Diplomas currently working in intensive-care units in cardiology, heart surgery, external consultation, electrophysiology and hemodynamics and who wish to compensate for lack of training.
-Interest in the professionalisation of intensive nursing.
- Interest in analysing and reflecting on current practice in intensive nursing in order to carry out proposals for and participation in quality improvement in intensive patient care.

Selection criteria

- Letter of application including a statement of interest (motivation).
- Professional experience in this general area (previous experience)
- Previous studies taken at the Sant Pau University School of Nursing (retainment).
- Second or third consecutive application (external retainment).
Commitment to completing the whole of the programme (learner responsibility).

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