David Rosenthal Collection

Fons Personal
Humanities Library

David H. Rosenthal (1945-1992) Poet, essayist, music critic and translator of Catalan into English. He translated works of Rodoreda, Perucho, Juan Sales, Estellés, Foix, and poems by many authors collected in several anthologies.
Rosenthal’s best known work is the translation of Tirant lo Blanc from which paperbacks were published both in the United Kingdom and in the United States.
The widow of Rosenthal, M.L. García Bermejo, donated part of his legacy to the Jordi Arbonès Chair and it is deposited in the Humanities Library.

Description of the collection: The collection is made up of handwritten and typed translations, as well as outlines of the main works he translated (Tirant lo Blanc, El llibre de les bèsties, Incerta glòria, La plaça del Diamant, El carrer de les camèlies, etc. ). His notepads include unpublished writings (especially, sketches of poems, essays, jazz critiques, translations ...). There are also copies of the works he published, both his own and translations.

Date of incorporation: 2008

Depository library: Humanities Library

Where to consult the documentation: www.bib.uab.cat/human/fonspersonals/rosenthal/

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