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Open for excavations. The Neanderthal Route

Obert per Excavacio
The Centre for the Studies of Archaeological and Prehistoric Heritage of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (CEPAP-UAB) offers a new model of scientific dissemination based on the "work in process" concept at two dig sites in Lleida: Cova Gran (Les Avellanes-Santa Linya) and Roca dels Bous (Sant Llorenç de Montgai). This dynamic approach offers visitors not only the chance to see the site, but also to discover the work of archaeologists in charge of the excavations, making it easier to communicate the progress and discoveries made on the life of our ancestors.

Both sites will be open to the public during the excavation campaigns of July and August. Visitors will be able to learn about the daily tasks of researchers and discover various aspects of the archaeological process. "It is not simply about transmitting knowledge, we want to show how science is constructed and bring it closer to society", explains Rafael Mora, director of CEPAP.

At the site of Roca dels Bous, the facilities created with the support of the European Project "The Origins Route" have turned the site into a museum and added information technology equipment needed to make the "work in process" concept acquire a completely new perspective.

"The Neanderthal Route" aims to make visitors travel in time and is divided into different observation points where audiovisual material helps visitors zoom into specific aspects of Neanderthal life. This would be highly difficult to obtain without the use of these supports.

This initiative offers the unique opportunity to tour the site while excavations are being carried out. The construction of footbridges throughout the site permits direct contact between visitors and archaeologists, and the chance to witness the evolution of their work. Researchers themselves are in charge of showing visitors around and explaining the discoveries made of the Neanderthals who once inhabited Roca dels Bous.

To schedule a visit please call (+34) 691 807 581.

Rafael Mora
Centre d’Estudis del Patrimoni Arqueològic de la Prehistòria
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