University Master's Degree in Educational Psychology

Are you interested in specialised training from an interdisciplinary perspective as  a way to manage diversity in our society? Are you a qualified professional? This master's degree is for you!

Teaching staff Official Master's Degree in Educational Psychology

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Course coordinator

Angelina Sánchez Martí


List of teachers

Teacher Area Category Research
Aguilera Gomez, Ana Cristina Didactics and School Organization Research
Berengueras Pont, Maria Merce Didactics and School Organization Research
Castell Escuer, Maria Antonia Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education Research
Jariot Garcia, Merce Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Jurado de los Santos, Pedro Didactics and School Organization Tenured university lecturers Research
Llansana Gonzalez, Joan Josep Didactics and School Organization Research
Mallol Blanch, Eduard Didactics and School Organization Research
Martinez Muñoz, Mario Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education Tenured university lecturers Research
Martinez Roca, Carme Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education Research
Montero Camacho, Mario Raul Didactics and School Organization Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Pages Mimo, Adria Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education non-government-contracted adjunct lecturer Research
Quesada Pallarès, Carla Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Rodriguez Parron, Montserrat Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Sabate Peiro, Jordi Didactics and School Organization Research
Sanahuja Gavaldà, José María Didactics and School Organization Tenured university lecturers Research
Sanchez Marti, Angelina Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Sanchez Ares, Rocio Didactics and School Organization Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Alvarez Canovas, Isabel Theory and History of Education Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Arnau Sabates, Laura Theory and History of Education Tenured university lecturers Research
Fajardo Martinez, Sonia Theory and History of Education non-government-contracted adjunct lecturer Research
Ferrer Miquel, Joana Theory and History of Education Research
Pineda Herrero, Pilar Theory and History of Education University professor/full professor Research
Zarate Alva, Nair Elizabeth Theory and History of Education Research

Administrative contact

For pre-registration and enrolment matters please contact the Academic Support Service (Gestió Acadèmica) of the Faculty of Education: