Content Official Master's Degree in Internet of Things for e-Health

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Study guides

Master description

The internet of things, which allows continuous connection between devices in an energy-efficient manner, is the central element of the course, in that it represents the greatest technological revolution since the smartphone boom.
The application of new ICT from the rapid diffusion of devices wearables for accessing information for monitoring people's health and the integrated management of that information by health service users and professionals has generated a major demand for professionals with specialist knowledge, capable of applying ICT for developing innovative solutions in the field of digitisation of health management. It is anticipated that, thanks to the development of IoT technology linked to wearable and mobile devices and data servers, this demand will continue to grow over a relatively long period of time.
Through the participation of different department and centres, the UAB has the necessary knowledge and experience to offer a multidisciplinary training and, therefore, considers the programming of a Master's degree in The Internet of Things for Digital Health to be a top priority. This is a completely innovative course in terms of content, the time at which it is being offered and its transferable nature in ICT engineering. The characteristics offered by the UAB campus make it unique in offering these studies at the School of Engineering.

Teaching timetable

See the web of the School.

Study plan structure


Type Credits
Compulsory 30
Optional 18
External Practicum 12



Module Credits Type
Cloud Computing 6 OB
Internet of Things (IoT) 6 OB
Master's Dissertation 12 OB
Projects in IoT for eHealth 6 OB
Smart Data Acquisition and Analysis 6 OB
Standards in eHealth and Interoperability 6 OB



Optional, you must take 18 credits


Module Credits Type
Assisted-Living Technologies 6 OT
Edge Computing 6 OT
Security and Compression in IoT 6 OT
Support Systems for Diagnosis and Intervention 6 OT
User-Centred Technologies 6 OT



OB: Compulsory
OT: Optional