Content Official Master's Degree in Advanced Biotechnology
UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes
Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!
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Master's dissertation
The objective is to integrate the student in a research environment in a University Department or Research Institute. The Coordinator of the module will provide the student with a list of papers and research groups and will facilitate the student's contact with the groups through a process of selection of the ideal candidate.
The work will end with the preparation and public defense of a final master's work integrating the knowledge, skills and competences acquired.
The defense and discussion of the Master's Degree Project of the Advanced Biotechnology Master's Degree will be held in a single call in July.
Three copies of the printed version of the work, duly bound, must be delivered to the Department's secretariat and e-mail a pdf of the report to the president of the tribunal.
The academic tutor of the work will have to make a report-valuation of the work done and have it sent by e-mail to the president of the tribunal.
The evaluation of the module will be done in equal parts between the monitoring of the academic tutor (report), the evaluation of the document of the memory and the oral presentation.
The memory will have an article type format. It will consist of: Title, Summary, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments and Bibliography and will be a maximum of 30 pages at a minimum of 1.5, including tables and figures (in Catalan, Spanish or English) Letter of not less than 11 points. The written report will be valued by a court formed by 3 teachers of the Master in public session.
The oral presentation will be made in power point format, with a duration of not more than 10 min, + 5 more for discussion, and valued by the same tribunal that has assessed the report.