Study plan Mathematics (EHEA Degree) + Computer Engineering

Basic skills

Develop critical thinking and reasoning skills and an ability to communicate effectively, generate innovative and competitive proposals in research and other professional activities.

Specific skills

Understanding mathematical language and mastering the basic theorems existing in the different branches of mathematics. Ability to devise demonstrations of mathematical results, formulate conjectures and design strategies that confirm them, assimilate the definition of new mathematical objects, relate them to other known objects and deduce their properties. Proposing, analysing, validating and interpreting real situation models with the most adequate mathematical tools.

Conceiving and carrying out computer projects. Assessing, designing, developing and maintaining computer teams, platforms, systems, applications and communication networks. Conceiving, planning, organising and managing computer systems within business or institutional contexts. Assessing, designing and managing computer security systems.

Integrating knowledge in Computer Engineering with the profound conceptualism of Mathematics to solve highly complex technical and scientific problems.

Transversal skills

  • Working in interdisciplinary teams.
  • Reading specialised scientific and technical texts both in English and other languages.
  • Accepting or refusing the opinion of others and offering reasons for your views.
  • Knowing how to use bibliographies and other specific resources.
  • Optimal management of your work time.
  • Continuous and independent learning of new skills and techniques.
  • Understanding and assuming the social, ethical, professional and legal responsibilities belonging to your profession.