Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Design

Basic skills

  • Students must have and understand knowledge of an area of study built on the basis of general secondary education, and while it relies on some advanced textbooks it also includes some aspects coming from the forefront of its field of study.
  • Students can apply the knowledge to their own work or vocation in a professional manner and have the powers generally demonstrated by preparing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of study.
  • Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethical relevant issues.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills in order to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.

Specific skills

  • Analysing objects, communications and habitable spaces in order to detect design problems, provide alternative solutions and assess social, technological and economic viability.
  • Evaluating uses and programming functions oriented towards the conception and formalisation of design projects.
  • Synthesising knowledge and skills of plastic expression, representation techniques and materials and productive technologies that allow for the planning and development of design projects.
  • Using the basic techniques of plastic expression (drawing, colour and volume) to represent and create forms in two or three dimensions.
  • Mastering the techniques of graphic representation of spaces and volumes, planes and surfaces characteristic of design.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and use with specialised criteria of the architecture of the typeface and the different typographic families of the Latin alphabets.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the basic knowledge of materials and their qualities, and of manufacturing processes and costs.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the basic knowledge of the auxiliary sciences and disciplines of the design project, such as anthropometry and the physiology of visual perception, ergonomics, methods of use evaluation, marketing, prospecting techniques, etc.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and familiarity with the use of the audiovisual medium, the digital environment and its creation and production tools.
  • Structuring and hierarchising verbal information graphically.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the functioning of the economic, business and institutional environment in which design projects and activities are contracted and developed professionally.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the institutional and associative environment of the professional world of design and the role played by the different entities and social agents.
  • Planning, organising, managing and administering the development of design projects, both in the framework of independent professional work and in business or institutional organisations.
  • Formulating and structuring a business plan aimed at the development of products or companies and assessing their viability.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the legal framework in which design activities are carried out: contracting models, patent registration, trademarks, copyright, etc.
  • Demonstrate an understanding and relevant and reasoned interpretation of texts on the history, theory and criticism of design.
  • Present and reason, orally and in writing, the results and work processes of their own design objects.
  • Interpret and critically assess final products and design projects, both their own and those of others.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of research methods relevant to design and the theory, analysis and critique of design and art.
  • Effectively apply elementary physical principles and basic mathematical tools for the conceptualisation and formalisation of design projects.
  • Having the resources and abilities to relate concepts and languages of different design specialities.
  • Mastering the plastic languages to adapt the communicative and expressive intentions to the use of artistic media and techniques.

Transversal skills

  • Ability to communicate orally and in writing in the native language and in other languages such as English, enabling work in an international context.
  • Drafting professional reports and academic papers.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and correct use of the documentary sources and bibliography necessary for both the planning and the analysis and reasoned critique of design.
  • Demonstrate interest in the study of foreign languages both to facilitate communication and to access different cultural contexts.
  • Mastering the computer environment and digital technologies.
  • Ability to work in a team and skills for dialogue with the different agents and disciplines that may intervene in the development of a design project.
  • Ability to coordinate, manage and lead work groups around a design project, or where design plays a relevant role.
  • Capacity for initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Capacity for resolution and decision-making.
  • Motivation for quality, both in the conceptual and argumentative approaches, and in the formal resolution and in the details of the final finish of a design project.
  • Ability to adapt to the national and international professional environment and, in particular, to the technological, social and economic changes that are taking place.
  • Ability to integrate and synthesise knowledge acquired in different contexts and situations, with flexibility and creativity.
  • Orienting design action on the basis of values of respect for the environment and with sustainability criteria.
  • Valuing and promoting the social use of the environment and communication with special attention to accessibility for different groups of users and receivers.
  • Valuing and preserving cultural, artistic and landscape heritage.
  • Demonstrating that one possesses the values and deontological principles of the profession.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of innovative phenomena and new cultural languages and proposals.
  • Ability to self-manage the development of a professional itinerary.
  • Demonstrate a positive affective disposition towards the aesthetic values and formal qualities of the material and visual environment.
  • Demonstrate a predisposition towards the rigour and experimentation inherent to the scientific method.