Bachelor's Degree in Nursing (affiliated centre)

We train professionals of the future: with solid scientific and humane training, as well as with all the skills needed to identify, assess and act efficiently to meet all types of healthcare needs

General information

In 2002, the Gimbernat School of Nursing began to immerse itself in a global project to improve and innovate academically within the then new EHEA framework. It also took on a new education paradigm related to excellence as its academic referent.

The design of the bachelor's degree is not only based opn cognitive skills, but also on those related to personal skills and aptitudes and the consideration of professional values. That is why we have incorporated active learning methodologies which allow students to develop their skills and take part in their own learning process.

These methodologies foster reflection and a heightened awareness of the knowledge acquires, while at the same time allowing lecturers to monitor the progress of students. This makes it easier to have an effective feedback between lecturer and student, thereby encouraging active and self-evaluatory learning.

This bachelor's degree helps students learn how to take care of both healthy and ill individuals, as well as the community, through a set of quality standards which guarantee a programme of excellence.

The bachelor's degree in Nursing is accredited by the Catalan university quality assurance agency AQU, after a lengthy and thorough evaluation process.

Career options

This official bachelor's degree offers the academic and professional training needed to work as a nurse in hospitals, primary care centres, health and social welfare centres, health departments in private companies, etc.
Other career options include:
- Nursing management services
- Home care
- Teaching
- Research
- Town council departments
- Rehabilitation centres
- Health promotion and education programmes
- Health insurance companies
- Freelance nursing


Mobility programmes

Professional training


AQU Catalunya quality seal of the   Bachelor's Degree in Nursing (affiliated centre)

More information