Linguistic sustainability

Linguistic sustainability

The Catalan language is promoted and the language of the university and as an official language and actions to support this are included in three lines in the plan: institutional and management (criteria for the revision and translation of institutional documents); teaching and research (policy for subsidising classes in Catalan for the university community); mobility and incoming students (subsidised Catalan classes for newcomers to the UAB).
The definition of the different status of the languages at the UAB (Catalan as the language of the university, Catalan and Spanish as the official languages and English as a lingua franca and the role of other languages for strategic or professional reasons in specific ambits) contributes to making the rights and responsibilities of the university community transparent and effective in terms of languages.
The figure of the representative for language policy in the different centres of the UAB to ensure that transparency and effectiveness.
The actions of the plan destined to increasing the capacity of the university community for language competence, in the language of the university and foreign languages: offer of classroom-based and online language courses; calls for language  grant applications for students, academic staff and administration and services staff; exam sessions to gain accreditation of language levels.