The Observatory for Equality participated in the UAB Festa Major with the antisexist campaign No siguis paparra

No siguis paparra
The campaign No siguis paparra aims for secure and sexism-free leisure venues. The Observatory has created a Protocol for Approach and Intervention against sexual assaults during the Festa Major, in coordination with several intervention and prevention services. It was introduced to the community in the form of an Antisexism kit, and includes the emergency number of the security staff.


With the purpose of ensuring a leisure venue free from harassment, discrimination and sexism, the Observatory for Equality has designed an action plan in order to anticipate, detect and take over in situations of sexist violence. In this vein, the campaign “No siguis paparra” (Don’t be an octopus)intends to raise the awareness of the university community, by setting examples of sexist behaviours and referring to the emergency number of the security staff.
The Protocol for Approach and Intervention against sexual assaults at the UAB Festa Major is key to detect and intervene in situations of sexist violence, and has served to train the security staff on how to take over in situations of sexist violence from a gender perspective. The “Antisexist kit”, which has been well received amongst the UAB community, explains the procedure to follow in the event of a sexual assault.
Additionally, the Observatory has also set up a stand and organised the gender test, which assesses the gender knowledge of participants. In the context of this year’s campaign Fora la LGTBIfòbia de la UAB, the test included new questions about LGTBI+, in orther to reflect on concepts such as transphobia, genderqueer and asexuality. A leaflet was also issued containing data about discrimination suffered by the LGTBI+ community and what is UAB doing to tackle it, such as the Protocol against harassment or the Protocol for changing the names of transgender students.