Teaching and research staff

The UAB's Observatory for Equality, together with the UAB's Training and Teaching Innovation Unit organises courses on gender quality addressed to teaching and research staff. Teaching and research staff training fulfills the Fourth Action Plan for Gender Equality at the UAB. 

The courses are offered during the usual training periods for academic staff. They take place in February and June each year.

The courses can be accessed via the usual training dissemination channels for academic staff. All the information can also be found here:

The courses currently offered are the following:

Course addressed to the UAB's administration and services staff and academic staff with the goal of strengthening the active listening ability and giving response to sexual violence and gender violence situations that may occur in the campus, as well as the protection of the rights of people affected by harassment on grounds of sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation/sexual violence/gender violence, according to the current regulations.

The course has a duration of 8 hours.

This course is an answer to measure 5.1.2. goal 2. of the Fourth Action Plan for Gender Equality at the UAB.

The course also follows the Protocol to prevent and act against sexual and sex-based harassment, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and male chauvinist violence at the UAB, which establishes, in article 6, about prevention measures, that the UAB has to introduce specific training programmes about the subject within the training plans of the different groups in the university community.

If you are interested in this subject and want more information on the actions by the Observatory regarding violence, you can visit our project UAB, free from gender violence: https://www.uab.cat/web/l-observatori/violencia-per-rao-de-genere-1345685900703.html


This course is addressed to the administration and services staff and academic staff at the UAB. It provides essential tools to prevent discriminatory behaviours and practices at the university against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people, according to Law 11/2014, of 10 October, to guaranteee the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people and to eradicate homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.

The course has a duration of 4 hours, and four editions are offered every year, two for each term, according to the number of applications.

This course is an answer to the Fourth Action Plan for Gender Equality at the UAB.


Course addressed to academic and research staff with the goal of achieving the ability to review from a gender perspective the knowledge and skills transmitted and (re)produced in university teaching, as well as the reflection capacity needed to transversally include gender inequalities in different areas of knowledge and clearly define gender perspective in teaching plans. This course is an answer to the Fourth Action Plan for Gender Equality at the UAB.

We remind you that accreditation requests for degrees and master's degrees should be accompanied, if required, by a report detailing how gender perspective has been included. (Law 17/2015, of 21 July, on effective equality between women and men, article 28.1)

Programme: https://www.uab.cat/doc/comunicacioperspectivagenere_DOC

If you are interested in this subject, you can take a look at our section on gender perspective in teaching and research. https://www.uab.cat/web/l-observatori/perspectiva-de-genere-en-la-docencia-i-la-recerca-1345703853830.html


Course addressed to academic and research staff with the goal of achieving essential knowledge in the theoretical, epistemological and technical spheres for the inclusion and specification of gender perspective in research design. The intention is also to have academic and research staff reinforce their critical ability regarding androcentric bias in their area of knowledge and their commitment to overcome gender inequalities.This course is an answer to Fourth Action Plan for Gender Equality at the UAB.

The course has a duration of 8 hours. Two editions are offered every year, one for each term.

Programme: https://www.uab.cat/doc/comunicacioperspectivagenere_DOC

If you are interested in this subject, you can visit our section on gender perspective in teaching and research. https://www.uab.cat/web/l-observatori/perspectiva-de-genere-en-la-docencia-i-la-recerca-1345703853830.html

Course formed by two workshops, communication with gender perspective and non-sexist use of language, with the goal of providing knowledge and tools to get rid of gender bias and sexism in communications and texts developed during teaching, and to detect inequalities, gender stereotypes and sexist messages in written and oral texts.

This course is an answer to the Fourth Action Plan for Gender Equality at the UAB.

The training follows the commitments of the EGERA Charter for Gender Sensitive Communication, signed by the UAB's rector on 15 December 2015, in the framework of the FP7 EGERA –Effective Gender Equality in Research and the Academia– project, in which the UAB has participated as a special partner through the Observatory for Equality. https://www.uab.cat/doc/CharterGenderSensitive

The course has a duration of 6 hours. Two editions are offered every year, one for each term.

Programme: https://www.uab.cat/doc/comunicacioperspectivagenere_DOC