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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
UAB Barcelona Summer School

Nanotechnology and Society (NEW)


This course provides a general overview of nanoscience and nanotechnology and their social, economic, and ethical implications. Nanotechnology has emerged as a very powerful tool capable of revolutionizing and changing our lives. Nano-objects and nanostructures exhibit new phenomena and properties that are unthinkable in the macroscopic world. Such new phenomena and properties can be exploited to provide solutions for the great social challenges in medicine, energy, information, environment, and so on. The student is invited to embark on a fascinating journey to discover the great power of the small. 

One of the goals of the course is to identify the main application fields of nanomaterials and how their introduction into myriad of products is changing and shaping our lives. In addition, we will put the focus on the consumer perception towards nanotechnology-based products. Main investment areas in nanotechnology at the worldwide level will be also analysed. On the other hand, the associated risks, ethical issues, and misconceptions will be uncovered. 

The course is aimed at creating a friendly climate of debate. Prototypes and demonstrators will be shown in class to help understand the fascinating world of nanomaterials and nanodevices. 

Courses generally have little or no prerequisite knowledge required for a given topic, however if students face any doubts, we recommend they contact course professors to clarify.

Información complementaria