Detall d'activitat

Dijous, 30 Març 2017


Seminari "Persistent and transient efficiency on container port terminals in Europe"

Conferències i congressos - Seminar room AULA A


During the last decades, globalization has changed container port terminals management. These terminals present different management systems, not only port authorities or national operators, but also by multinational terminal operators and vertical integrated shipping lines. . This article analyzes the impact of the port terminal management system on its efficiency. Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis, this paper distinguish two inefficiencies on the production function: the persistent term, related to the presence of structural problems in the organization of the production process of a container port terminal, and the transient part, related to temporal events or short-run managerial problems. For this purpose, 92 port container terminals of 50 port authorities in Europe from 1991 to 2010 are analyzed. The main findings indicate that differences between transient and persistent efficiency are significant, implying different efficiency behavior. Terminals operated by multinational and vertical integrated operators are more efficient in allocating resources than ones operated by a national firm or by the port authority, while on management abilities, there are substantial differences. Besides, automated terminals present higher persistent efficiency levels.

A càrrec de: Marta González (PhD UB) amb la col·laboració de J. Rosell

Ubicació: Seminar room AULA A

Data: Dijous 30, Març de 2017 - 13:00h