News archive

Albert Busquets Blay

Albert Busquets passes away

Albert Busquets Blay, former executive administrator of the UAB (1977-1986) passed away on 3 March. The UAB wishes to express its heartfelt condolences to all of his family and friends.

Francisco Ávila Soriano

Francisco Ávila passes away

Francisco Ávila Soriano from the Academic Administration Office of the Faculty of Law passed away on Tuesday 27 February. The UAB wishes to express its most heartfelt condolences to all those who knew and loved him and shares the feeling of sadness for having lost a member of its community.


Seventh edition of the "Thesis in 4 minutes" to be held on 7 May

The UAB will be holding a new edition of its "Thesis in 4 minutes" competition, in which PhD students are asked to explain their research in a maximum of four minutes. Candidates may submit their applications from 4 to 20 March, and the competition will take place in front of a jury on 7 May.

Biblioteca de Comunicació i Hemeroteca General

UNESCO Chair in Communication renewed until 2028

UNESCO has accepted the renewal of the UNESCO Chair in Communication until the year 2028. Thus, the agreement signed in 1990 between the UAB abd the United Nation's organisation will continue to be valid for 4 more years. Coordinated by Amparo Huertas, researcher and director of the Institute for Communication (InCom-UAB), the Chair in Communication, which is the first chair specialising in communication, will continue to work on intercultural dialogues and inclusive education.

campus de la UAB

New UAB "campus activities" to be held on 15 February

On 15 February, from 2 to 5 p.m., a new edition of "campus activities" will take place, organised by UAB faculties and school. These activities are cultural, participative and complementary to academic subjects (talks, seminars, conferences, debates, institutional events, etc.).