Language Uses and Rights

Pla de llengües actuacions promoció català en

Offer of courses, services and resources aimed at increasing Catalan language skills among the university community.

  • Language Service Courses:
  • Training for PhD students for thesis writing in Catalan.
  • Promoting language competence in the workplace (Catalan, Spanish and English, mainly) for institutional communications.

Offer of training and registration for official examinations for academic staff to accredit the level of “suficiència” (C1 CEFR) in Catalan. 

Offer of examinations to accredit language levels for members of the university community.

Grant for correcting teaching materials in English and Catalan, with the option of correcting the study plans for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the UAB.

Offer subsidised Catalan courses to new arrivals at the UAB to ensure the maximum uptake.

Language volunteer programme of the Language Service.