Do you need resources to help you write your essays?

portades de les guies d'escriptura

Would you like to know what kinds of text are most usual in your own area of study? Why is it important to know the terminology of your own academic field?


The UAB Language Service publishes a series titled Guides for Writing in Specific Disciplines aimed at helping students to communicate effectively within their chosen ambit.

Each guide is published in both English and Catalan, with all necessary adaptations. To date, there are guides on Law, Medicine, Education, Biology, Geography, Chemistry, Economics, Computer Engineering, Tourism and History. You can access and download them from the UAB Digital Repository of Documents.

All the guides are simple and readily comprehensible, containing reflections on the particular communicative characteristics of each discipline, as well as a brief description of text typologies in the field in question, writing conventions and helpful resources.

The UAB Language Service has also worked together with other university language services to produce a series of four videos titled Specialised Language at University. Communicating Academic Disciplines. The videos cover a range of key aspects in specialised language (such as discourse genres, terminology or resources) and are also available in English and Catalan.

You can access the guides and the videos through this link.


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