Transport and Logistics

Professional training to prepare students for planning and managing the introduction and dispatch of goods and the import/export processes at an international level. Also, the learning of English, French and commercial Chinese is a main pilar in this programme.

Study plan

The Higher Vocational Diploma in Transport and Logistics has a duration of two academic years and is structured in modules which are made up of different teaching units (subjects) which aim to provide different basic competences for working in the profession. Some of the modules are taught over the two years of the course

0621. Transport and logistics administrative management 0629. Organization of the transportation of goods
0622. International transport of goods C022. Organization of other transport services
0623. Economic and financial company management  0626. Supply logistics
0624. Transport and logistics marketing  0179. Professional English 
0625. Storage logistics 0828 Intermodular project 
0627. International Trade Administrative management  C001. Second foreign language: French
0628. Organitzación del transporte de viajeros 1709. Personal itinerary for occupability II
1665. Digitalization applied to the productive sectors. MLL1. Comercial Chinese
1708. Sustainability applied to the production system  
1709. Personal itinerary for occupability I  
0179. Professional English  
C001. Second foreign language: French  
MLL1. Comercial Chinese  

Foreign languages
In response to the requirements of Catalan business today the Professional Training Centre of the UAB Foundation places particular emphasis on knowledge of foreign languages.

  • English and  French are studied through activities reflecting real situations in the sector.
  • To ensure that students can learn at their own pace  language classes are carried out in groups according to level of knowledge.
  • Some subjects are taught entirely in English in both the first and second year.
  • On completing the course the ACLES-accredited language centre, UAB Idiomes, will certify the language level achieved by students in line with the equivalent levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) in English and French.
  • To complete the professional profile as a qualified professional in International Trade a third language is introduced: business Chinese, focussing on cultural aspects, traditions, protocol, customs and the Chinese language with an emphasis on the role of China in global commercial relations today.