Juan Jesús Donaire, new Dean of the Faculty of Sciences
Imatge Donaire 08.06.2022 Popularization  - 

Juan Jesús Donaire, lecturer at the Department of Mathematics of the UAB, has been elected as the new Dean of the Faculty of Sciences. The Board of the Faculty elected him in an extraordinary session on June 3rd and will take office on September 1. Donaire takes over from Professor Gemma Garcia, who has been dean from 2019 until now.

They will be part of the new team of the dean Natalia Castellana, professor of the Department of Mathematics; Eva Maria Pellicer, lecturer in the Department of Physics; Ramon Alibés, lecturer at the Department of Chemistry; and Lluís Casas, lecturer at the Department of Geology.

Donaire is a professor in the Area of Mathematical Analysis. He received his PhD from the UAB in 1995 and has made stays at the University of Berlin, the California Institute of Technology, the Université de Montréal and the Autonomous University of Madrid. His research has focused on the asymptotic behavior of analytical functions of complex variable, in geometric theory of functions and in the application of stochastic processes to the theory of harmonic functions in euclidean spaces. Among other institutional responsibilities, he has been vice-rector for Academic Policy and vice-rector for Teaching Staff and Academic Programming at the UAB.

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