  • L. Bessières, G. Besson, M. Boileau, S. Maillot, J. Porti.Geometrisation of 3-manifolds. EMS Tracts in Mathematics vol. 13. (2010), 247 pp. ISBN: 978-3-03719-082-1.
  • J. Girbau, L. Bruna. Stability by linearization of Einstein's field equation. Progress in Mathematical Physics, vol. 58 1st edition, (2010), XV, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-0346-0303-4.
  • Y. Chevallard, M. Bosch i J. Gascón. Estudiar matermáticas. El eslabón perdido entre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Ed. Horsori. Barcelona (2007). ISBN: 84-85840-50-X.
  • F. Dumortier, J. Llibre and J.C. Artés. Qualitative theory of planar differential systems. Springer-Verlag. Berlin (2006) ISBN: 3-540-32893-9.
  • A. Reventós, C.J. Rodríguez. Una lectura del disquisitiones generales circa superficies curvas de C.F. Gauss. SCM, 1a edició (2006). ISBN: 84-7283-849-8.
  • J. Kock. Frobenius algebras and 2D topological quantum field theories. London Mathematical Society Student Texts, 59. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003. xiv+240pp. ISBN: 0-521-83267-5; 0-521-54031-3.
  • J. Kock and I. Vainsencher. An invitation to quantum cohomology: Kontsevich's formula for rational plane curves. Progress in mathematics, 249. Birkhäuser, Boston, MA, 2006. xii+175pp. ISBN: 978-0-8176-4456-7; 0 -8176-4456-3.
  • P. Ara, M. Mathieu. Local multipliers of C*-algebras. Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Hardcover, 2003. 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-85233-237-2.
  • M. Boileau, S. Maillot, J. Porti. Three-dimensional orbifolds and their geometric structures. Panoramas et synthèses, 15. Sociétè Mathématique de France, Paris (2003). viii+167 pp. ISBN: 2-85629-152-X.
  • G. Gómez, J. Llibre, R. Martínez and C. Simó. Dynamics and mission design near libration points. Vol.I: Fundamentals: The Case of Collinear Libration Points. World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc. River Edge, NJ. (2001) ISBN: 981-02-4285-9.
  • G. Gómez, J. Llibre, R. Martínez and C. Simó. Dynamics and mission design near libration points. Vol.II: Fundamentals: The Case of Triangular Libration Points. World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc. River Edge, NJ. (2001) ISBN: 981-02-4274-3.
  • Ll. Alsedà, J. Llibre and M. Misiurewicz. Combinatorial dynamics and entropy in dimension one. 2nd edition. 2000. World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc., River Edge NJ.
  • W. Dicks and E. Ventura. The group fixed by a family of injective endomorphisms of a free group. Contemporary Math., 195. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1996. x+81pp.
  • W. Dicks and M. J. Dunwoody. Groups acting on graphs. Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 17, CUP, Cambridge, 1989. xvi+283pp.
  • W. Dicks. Groups, trees and projective modules. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 790, Springer, Berlin, 1980. ix+127pp.
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