University Master's Degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Are you interested in a sector that is central to the global economy? Our programme gives you the opportunity to approach LSCM in an international and intercultural environment where mobility is an essential part of the learning experience

Content Official Master's Degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Study guides

Teaching timetable

You can consult the Master's timetable here

Study plan structure

Type Credits
Compulsory 60
Optional 30
Master Thesis 30



Subject Credits Type
First year    
Basics of Logistics and Supply Chain Management 6 OB
Decision Making 9 OB
Engineering Fundamentals for LSCM 6 OB
Generic Management Skills 6 OB
Information Technologies 6 OB
LSCM European Dimension 3 OB
Materials Handling and Transportation Technologies 6 OB
Project Management 3 OB
Supply Chain Network and Flow Management 9 OB
System Thinking 6 OB
Second year    
Master's Degree Dissertation UAB / * / ** / 30 OB
Logistics Information Systems* 16.5 OT
Logistics Management* 13.5 OT
Logistics Management and Control System Specification and Evaluation** 10 OT
Logistics System Implementation and Ramp-Up** 10 OT
Material Handling and Transport System Design and Analysis** 10 OT



Specialisation in Logistics Systems Engineering and Implementation



Subject Credits Type
Logistics Management and Control System Specification and Evaluation** 10 OT
Logistics System Implementation and Ramp-Up** 10 OT
Material Handling and Transport System Design and Analysis** 10 OT



Specialisation in Logistic Information Systems



Subject Credits Type
Logistics Information Systems* 16.5 OT
Logistics Management* 13.5 OT


*   RTU  Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies
** UASW Faculty of Engineering / Industrial Engineering & Engineering Logistics

OB: Compulsory
OT: Optional