University Master's Degree in Telecommunication Engineering

Professional Master in the field of engineering

General information

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  • UAB University Master's Degree
  • Credits: 90 ECTS
  • Course begins on 09/09/2024
  • Beginning of the pre-enrolment period 12/01/2024
    See the calendar
  • Pre-registration period: Open
  • Places: 40 places
  • Price: €18.46 per credit (EU citizens and non-EU holding an EU residence permit). 2024/25 Academic year.
    €66 per credit (non-EU citizens who do not hold an EU residence permit). 2024/25 Academic year.

  • Language: English (100%)
  • Mode: Classroom-based learning
  • Teaching centre: School of Engineering

The Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering is a professionalisation degree which qualifies students for professional practice as Telecommunications Engineers as specified by the Ministry in Order CIN/355/2009 of 9 February 2009 (BOE, nº 44 20 February), in section 4.2.:
“Section 4.2 Master’s degree entry requirements: 
4.2.1 Entry to the Master’s degree which qualifies students for professional practice as Telecommunications Engineers, is open to students who have previously acquired the competences set out in section 3 of the Ministerial order establishing the requirements for verification of official university qualifications which qualify students for professional practice as Assistant Telecommunications Engineers and whose training is in accordance with that established in section 5 of the abovementioned Ministerial Order. 
4.2.2 Entry to the Master’s degree is also open to applicants whose Bachelor’s degree accredits that they have passed the basic training module and the common branch module, while not covering a complete block of the specific technology module and where 48 of the total credits offered for the blocks of said Bachelor’s degree module which qualifies students for professional practice as Assistant Telecommunications Engineers, in accordance with the aforementioned Ministerial Order, have been passed. 
4.2.3 Student who have a Bachelor’s degree in any subjects may also gain entry to the Master’s degree without prejudice to the fact that in this case the prior bridging courses which are deemed necessary are established. 
The above sections are understood, without prejudice to that set out in article 17.2 and in the fourth additional article of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October 2007.”

Career options

Telecommunication engineers practise their profession mainly in the following areas:
  • Management, planning and operation of telecommunication networks and services,
  • Design, operation and management of information services (providers of services and applications, internet, intranet),
  • Design of telecommunication and positioning equipment,
  • Telecommunication infrastructure, construction or deployment of telecommunication networks (cable, fibre, radio),
  • Electronic engineering,
  • Telematic engineering,
  • Software engineering,
  • Control of systems and processes,
  • Industrial Automation,
  • Production of audiovisual content,
  • Management, planning and operation in areas not specified above (Human Resources, financial management, etc.),
  • Consultancies (technology, strategies, etc.),
  • Teaching,
  • Research.
We recommend that students with qualifications from outside the European Higher Education Area and who have not yet homologated their qualifications contact the corresponding Professional Association for information on the requirements to work professionally in Spain.

Work placements


AQU Catalunya quality seal of the Official Master's Degree in  Telecommunication Engineering Go to the Master in figures

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