
Curricular Placements- Tourism and Tourism in English

Curricular Placements

The Bachelor's Degree in Tourism  and the Bachelor's Degree in Tourism in English have three curricular placement subjects: Workplacement1 (COMPULSORY), Workplacement 2 (COMPULSORY) and Professional Workplacement (OPTIONAL). These placements are undertaken in external companies.

Each of these placements lasts 250 hours and counts for 12 credits.

Access to placements

The School, through its Placements Unit and Jobs Bank, offers its students over 700 places at partner institutions and companies in all sectors of Tourism.

These offers are posted on the UAB Campus Virtual intranet and on social networks. All students may apply for these offers as indicated in each one. Once selected, students should contact the Placements Unit and Jobs Bank for the cooperation agreement to be drawn up.

Admission requirements

To undertake a placement, students must meet the following requirements.

a) They must be enrolled on the corresponding course within the study programme.

b) They must not be employed by the partner organisation where they wish to undertake the placement or be related up to the second degree of kinship to a manager or external tutor.