Ring Theory Research Group

UAB Code: 1430
Coordinator: Pere Ara.


UAB: Ramon Antoine,  Joan Bosa, Ferran Cedó, Dolors Herbera, Jaume Moncasi, Francesc Perera, María Elena Rodríguez Jorge, Simone Virili.
Universidad de Cádiz: Enrique Pardo, María de los Ángeles Moreno, Francisco Ortus.
Università degli Studi di Verona: Lidia Angeleri Hügel.
NTNU: Eduard Ortega.
Universidade de Sao Paulo: Javier Sánchez.


The Ring Theory Research Group aims to study certain types of rings, including Von Neumann regular rings, finite-dimensional algebras, semi-local rings, group and semi-group algebras, and operator algebras. The fundamental properties of these rings are codified in the category of modules on those rings and their respective subcategories. The full subcategories formed by finitely generated projective modules and finitely presented modules are of particular interest.


Algebra, ring, group, localisation, monoid, tilting module, multipliers, projective, injective, exchange ring.

PhD in Surgery and Morphological Sciences PhD in Surgery and Morphological Sciences


UAB Divulga UAB Divulga. Science Journal


Libraries of the UAB Web of the Libraries of the UAB


Parc de Recerca Transference of technology and knowledgement of the UAB


Theses in the network The PhD theses of the catalan universities


Finantial aids, grants and calls More Information



Department of Mathematics
Building C Science Faculty
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
TEL +34 93 581 13 04
FAX +34 93 581 27 90






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