UAB Idiomes Barcelona in the XIII ForoELE of the Universitat de València

Foro ELE

As in previous years, UAB Idiomes Barcelona participates in the forum.




ForoELE celebrates its 13th edition on the 10th and 11th of March at the Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació de la Universitat de València. Over the years, this forum has become an unmissable event for teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language from the Mediterranean. As in previous editions, some of our teachers will be there to share their knowledge with the rest of the participants. 

This year, Meritxell Muñoz and Vicente Hernández are presenting two practical experiences on the second day of the forum. This is a good opportunity to share the work done by the Spanish department at UAB Idiomes Barcelona and learn from colleagues from other schools and institutions.