Language grants and financial aid

Imatge Notícies Ajuts Linguistics 2023

Financial aid for languages at the UAB available to members of the university community and student grants for language learning in the 2023-2024 academic year.


Calls for applications by academic staff

Grants for correction of teaching materials in Catalan and English

Improve the quality of your teaching in Catalan and English by having the teaching materials and course guides for your subjects corrected.

Deadline for grant applications 24 November 2023.

Language course grants for academic staff

Improve our knowledge of foreign languages, and specifically your knowledge of English, to be able to teach in those languages at the university.

Calls for applications by students

Language grants for students doing work placements abroad

For students who want to obtain a language level certificate following a work placement abroad.

Language Service grants

Discounts of between 50% and 10% on the price of language courses at the language Service of the UAB. Deadlines very throughout the 2023-2024 academic year.

First call: for students of UAB Bachelor’s degrees taught in English or French (10 grants).  Applications from 12 to 29 September 2023.

Second call: for students who were not registered at the UAB during the 2022-2023 academic year (10 grants: 8 for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, and 2 for PhD students). Applications from 9 to 16 January 2024.

Third Languages Programme (Parla 3 grants)

If you studied at the UAB in 2022-2023 and had a grant, the Government of Catalonia is offering up to €600 for you to study a language at the university in 2023-2024. Applications open from 15 July to 16 October 2023.

The Language Service can help you with anything you need to know related to these calls for applications.