Don’t miss out on your language course!

Imatge matrícula cursos febrer 2017
Enrolment is now open for special courses in English; for initial-level courses in French and Italian; and for the simultaneous learning of Romance languages.


If you’re from the social sciences or the health sciences, perhaps you might be interested in the Business English and Medical English courses, aimed at helping you to communicate more effectively in these ambits.

You can also now enrol in the exam-preparation courses for First Certificate and Cambridge Advanced or else take a general course in English at level B2.2 (Language service Level 5) or C1.1 (Level 6) in a single semester and gain the corresponding certificates on successfully completing the course.
If you’re a member of the UAB teaching staff, don’t miss the English-language courses specifically intended for you. The Research Papers course (health sciences; experimental sciences and engineering) will help you to write academic articles in English. If you’re thinking about teaching in English, try our English for Teaching Purposes course. And if you want to improve your pronunciation, you can enrol in our English Pronunciation for Teachers.

But there’s more to language-learning than English! In February, we’re also starting our general initial-level courses (A1 and A2) in Italian and French.

Additionally, we have two simultaneous-learning courses: one of these for new-intake students interested in gaining an understanding of Catalan and Spanish (Simultaneous Learning of Catalan and Spanish). The other course, Simultaneous Learning of Romance Languages, is intended for anyone wanting to gain an understanding (at both oral and written levels), of French, Italian and Portuguese in a relatively short period.  

If your level is suitable, you can also join one of the regular extensive courses that began in October paying only 55% of the total course fee. For English, we have now introduced the possibility to join the second module of Level 4 under these conditions and attain level B2.1. We offer you a free level test to see what options are best suited to your needs.

Finally, remember that you can enrol on our virtual courses at any point throughout the course.

The Language Service website lists all courses currently on offer and provides fuller details on each one of these.

Happy language learning!