Call for financial assistance applicable to language learning for students taking programmes and doing practicals abroad

Imatge ajuts estudiants pràctiques curriculars 2016
Are you a student taking programmes or practicals abroad? Have you studied languages to get yourself ready for this experience? The UAB has announced a call for grants applicable to language learning for students taking programmes abroad.


This financial-assistance call is aimed at undergraduates, master's degree or PhD students who opt to take programmes abroad (Erasmus or other) and who need to learn a foreign language or improve their current level.

Grant holders will receive assistance of up to 50% of the fees for the language course that they have taken, using the UAB Language Service course fees as a benchmark. Courses must be organised by the bodies included in the MOBINT call for application or in European university language centres. 

The first application period for this year is from 25th October to 2th December. All documentation must be submitted to the UAB's General Registry.

You can find details of the call, its requirements, conditions, terms and documentation, etc., on the Grants and Awards Search Engine

Grants applicable to language learning for students taking programmes or doing practicals abroad.

Please contact the UAB Language Service if you have any further doubts or queries.