University Master's Degree in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems

Specialist training in Earth-observation techniques for studying the territory and managing its resources.

Content Official Master's Degree in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems

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Master description

The master's degree in Remote Sensing and GIS consists of 60 ECTS credits to be completed in one academic year. The master's degree offers a mixed profile and is addressed to both students who wish to continue onto a research career through PhD programmes and those who are interested in training of a more professional nature.

The master's degree is structured into 7 modules, of which 4 are compulsory (one worth 15 ECTS, 2 worth 6 credits and one worth 9 ECTS), 2 optional (worth 9 ECTS each) and one corresponding to the Master Thesis (15 ECTS).

The compulsory modules focus closely on the following areas:
(a.) Geographical Information Sciences: Remote Sensing and GIS
(b.) Remote Sensing Image Processing.
(c) Spatial Analysis
(d) Geographic Information Obtention Methods

The optional modules aim to offer additional advanced training in the areas of Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing, as well as offer students the possibility to familiarise themselves with applications in spatial analysis and remote observation techniques.

Course begins on


Course ends on


Teaching timetable

The Master's Degree in Figures

For stats and data about this master's degree please visit this section: The Master's Degree in Figures

Academic and administrative calendars

Study plan structure

Type Credits
Compulsory 36
Optional 9
Master Thesis 15




Subject Credits Type
Masters Dissertation 15 OB
Methods for Obtaining Geographical Information 6 OB
Processing Remote Sensing Images 6 OB
Science of Geographical Information: Remote Sensing and GIS 15 OB
Spatial Analysis 9 OB
Advanced GIS 9 OT*
Advanced Remote Sensing 9 OT*

* Optional, you must take 9 credits


OB: Compulsory
OT: Optional