Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Occupational Therapy

Study guides

Title of qualification awarded

Occupational Therapy


Lectures take place in the mornings only (8 am to 2:30 pm).

Table of credits for each course

  Basic training Compulsory Optional Bachelor's Degree
Final Project
1st year 54 6    
2nd year 6 54    
3rd year   60    
4th year     48 12
Totals 60 120 48 12

Period of study

Annual registration. Year-long and single-semester subjects are combined.

Part-time or full-time

Full-time, with a slow track also available.


Basic training
Specialisation in Care for Personal Autonomy and Dependence
Specialisation in Advanced Intervention in Occupational Therapy

Basic and compulsory training

1st year 2nd year
-Structure and Function of the Human Body (1)
-General and Health Psychology
-Social Sciences and Health
-Evolutionary Psychology
-Teaching / Learning Processes
-Anthropology of Health
-Conceptual Bases of Occupational Therapy
-Ethics and Legal Framework
-Medical-Surgical and Occupational Dysfunctions
-Neurological and Occupational Dysfunctions
-Process of Occupational Therapy
-Analysis of Occupational Accomplishment
-Occupational Therapy in Adults
-Occupational Therapy in Elderly People
-Psychiatric and Occupational Dysfunctions
-Practicum I
3rd year 4th year
-Occupational Therapy in Children and Adolescents
-Occupational Therapy Applied to Mental Health
-Bases of Scientific Methodology in Health Sciences
-Occupational Therapy in the Community
-Contextual Modifications and Adaptations
-Management and Administration
-Education for Health (2)
-Practicum II
-Bachelor's Degree Final Project

1) This subject can be recognised as having already been passed in the case of students from the CFGS (advanced professional training) course Orthosis and Prothesis.
(2) This subject can be recognised as having already been passed in the case of students from the CFGS (advanced professional training) courses Dietetics, Mouth and Dental Hygiene or Environmental Health.
More information

Optional subjects

4th year
-International Health and Cooperation
-Personal Autonomy and ITCs
-English Applied to Health Sciences
In order to obtain one, a minimum of 30 credits belonging to the chosen track must be taken
Specialisation in Care for Personal Autonomy and Dependence Specialisation in Advanced Intervention in Occupational Therapy
-Legislation and Evaluation of Personal Autonomy and Dependence
-Adapted Communication
-Resources to Aid Support Staff
-Resources for Intervention in Personal Autonomy and Dependence
-Work Placement in Care for Personal Autonomy and Dependence (*)
-Advanced Infant and Juvenile Intervention
-Advanced Intervention in Adults and the Elderly
-Advanced Techniques for Professional Practice
-Resources to Aid Support Persons
-Work Placement in Advanced Intervention (*)

(*) All optional subjects are worth 6 credits, except for Work Placement which is worth 12 credits.